Become a Mojo agent

Do you own an offline store / office or network? Would you like to register new users to Mojo and receive crecruitment commission on every registration and every transaction etc the users do?

So you are ready to become a Mojo agent!

Why to be Mojo agent?

  1. We’ve a piece of art banking services platform for businesses

  2. We offer extensive banking services to people (personal acccounts)

  3. We are all over Europe

  4. We offer you an online, realtime banking system to add new users (businesses or personal accounts) and see your commisions in real time too.

  5. We do the the technical & paperwork. You do the marketing.

We’re looking for agents arround EU with a strong audience of businesses, freelancers, travellers and local nationals. Sound like you? Join us today and earn!

Start earning in 3 steps

Apply, Marketing, Earn.

Commisions starts at 2 per month – every month – per personal accounts and 5 per month – every month – per business accounts! AND a 10%* of each transaction etc the users you add do daily!

But first, contact us:

* 10% of Mojo net revenue for each transaction etc.
